Описание картинки (outside) на уровень А2+ (1 part)
В этом разделе мы будем учится разговаривать и развивать нашу английскую речь. Конечно нужна практика. Но что делать, если ее нет, не с кем поговорить? Тогда для этого необходимо самому «разговорить» себя. Для этого необходимо : монологи, диалоги (всё по структурам + дальше свобода мысли), клише для разных ситуаций, пересказы, говорить «сам с собой» каждый день около 10 мин., особенно после просмотра сериала или фильма. Так как аудирование (listening & watching) тесно связано с говорением (speaking).
Для начала остановимся на уровне А2, описание картинки на улице (outside / outdoors / out / in the street) – описывайте все, что видите на картинке, используя предложенную структуру и пример к ней. Для первого этапа советую использовать для описания иллюстрации Новоселовой https://babymusic.jimdo.com/
Очень разнообразные и по всем временам года.
The structure of the picture description / Структура описания картинки :
Look at the picture.
It depicts……..(summer), because (we can see)….. (рассказать о времени года на картинке)
Also we can see ………………in the picture. (кто изображен на картинке)
She/he/they look(s) _________(happy,joyful, sad)
S is/are approximately— приблизительно……
In my opinion, S is/are a teenager/ a pupil/ an adult/ a pensioner (teenagers/pupils / adults/ pensioners)
S is/are tall and slim with dark brown hair and blue eyes. (внешность)
S is(are) wearing a casual (winter) dress
And AS FOR…….
There is a …… near the……
(используйте для описания где, что находится на картинке)
In the foreground / at the front— на переднем плане
In the background / at the back – на заднем плане
Next to / near – рядом с , рядом / by – у / behind – позади / on – на /under — под
On the left of the picture — слева
on the right of the picture — справа
In the middle of the picture – посередине
(в каком месте находятся и что делают)
IS is/are in the street (at the theater, in the club, in the yard…)
S is (are) speaking to each other
S must be – должно быть / may be – возможно + V ing
It goes without saying – само собой разумеется I like the picture depicting – изображающая ………….
Варианты описания сезонов года:
It is hot
The trees are green
The sun is shining brightly in a blue sky
People are resting at the sea-side, swimming, sunburning
It is cool
Yellow leaves fall down
It is raining
There are many puddles
The birds are flying away
It’s the harvest time
It is cold and frosty
The trees are bare
It is snowing / There is much snow
Children are skiing, skating, sledging, playing snowballs, making a snowman
New Уear and Christmas are winter holidays.
It is warm
Snow is melting away
The trees are in the blossom
Green grass appear
The example of the description (outside)
Пример описания картинки (на улице)
Look at the picture.
It depicts spring, because we can see that snow is melting away. The trees are bare. Green grass appear.
Also we can see children in the picture.
They look happy.
They are approximately 5 years old.
They are very short, slim and very cute.
In the foreground we can see children. They are playing in the puddle with their toys near the block of flats.
They are wearing casual dresses.
The girl has a red coat, a red hat, a red scarf, red boots and blue jeans on. The boy has a blue coat, a blue scarf, a blue hat and red boots on.
As I have mentioned above, they are playing with the toys. This is a red car and a red shovel. They are walking in the puddle that’s why they are happy because it is very joyfully.
Their parents must be somewhere near this yard. They may be sitting on the bench and keeping an eye on the children.
In the background we can see a block of flats. Perhaps children with their parents live there.
On the left and on the right of the picture we can see bare trees. They must be waking up from the winter slumber (sleep) and we will see the blossom at this trees soon.
It goes without saying I like the picture depicting spring.